Secure and Intelligent Transport Systems
The challenge
Led by the DG Transport, Europe put in place a strategic program for connected vehicles (vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure). Collaborative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) are meant to make transport safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly.
PKI plays an essential role in C-ITS standards and the EU has launched a project for the deployment and operation of an European Root CA for connected vehicles.
Our solution for the European Commission
We deployed IDnomic C-ITS PKI suite to implement the EU root certification authority, including registration authority and authorization authority.
This module is one of the key security elements central to the ITS-C ecosystem. Available to all stakeholders wishing to deploy European ITS-C services, it provides capabilities at both internal and external levels. The system is operated by the JRC (Joint Research Centre) in Ispra, Italy