The LDBV has provided SCinterface to over 50 customers
The challenge for LDBV
The Bavarian State Office for Digitisation, Broadband and Surveying (LDBV) is an authority of the Free State of Bavaria. The LDBV is responsible for digitisation, promotion of broadband infrastructure and measurement and monitors 51 other authorities in this segment. The IT service provider IT-DLZ, LDBV, is responsible for all Bavarian courts. In addition, the IT-DLZ is the IT distributor for all Bavarian authorities.
In order to provide its customers with an efficient chip card middleware, LDBV has concluded a framework agreement with cryptovision for the product sc/interface. As Bavarian authorities are replacing more and more passwords with chip cards, there is a considerable demand for this solution. In the meantime LDBV has made sc/interface available for more than 50 customers – e.g. for universities, parliaments, administrative authorities and courts…
Our solution for LDBV
In order to provide its customers with a powerful smartcard middleware that works with different card types, LDBV has concluded a framework agreement with cryptovision for the SCinterface product. In the meantime LDBV has provided SCinterface to more than 50 customers, including universities, parliaments, administrative authorities and courts.