The TU Dortmund uses our middleware for the UniCard 2.0
The challenge for TU Dortmund
With almost 35,000 students, Dortmund Technical University (TU) is one of the 20 largest universities in Germany. Students at this university use the UniCard 2.0 as their student identity card, a smartcard issued in the corporate design of the University Alliance Ruhr (consisting of Ruhr University Bochum, TU Dortmund and University Duisburg-Essen).
This card is also recognised outside the university, for example when it comes to reduced admission prices. In addition, the UniCard 2.0 provides security for IT use.
With the certificates stored on it, it is possible to sign and encrypt e-mails. Students can also use the card to register at various TU Dortmund services. The UniCard 2.0 also makes cashless payment possible at various locations on campus and outside.
Our solution for TU Dortmund
As UniCard 2.0 the Giro-Go card of the Sparkasse is used. The TU Dortmund uses the smartcard middleware SCinterface from cryptovision for the UniCard 2.0. Students can download it free of charge from a Uni server and install it on their private PC. By an extension it is possible to use digital certificates of the DFN-PKI with it. This extension is the result of a close cooperation between Sparkassenverlag (manufacturer of the Giro-Go cards) and cryptovision (manufacturer of the middleware).
Further information
Information about the UniCard 2.0 and its use with SCinterface can be found here: https://www.itmc.tu-dortmund.de/cms/de/home/infomaterial/itm-update/itm_update_14.pdf