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Quantum computers might be able to break current crypto systems such as RSA or Diffie-Hellman one day. Migration to post-quantum cryptography is therefore a major task for the years to come. This document provides a generally understandable introduction.
Anyone interested in information security currently has to deal with post-quantum cryptography – i.e. cryptographic methods that withstand a quantum computer. This whitepaper provides a generally understandable introduction.

Operational Technology (OT) controls industrial processes in many critical sectors. However, many OT systems are not equipped to handle the current threat landscape. By ensuring that every device or module in an OT system operates with a secure identity, devices can interact with one another safely. Zero Touch Onboarding (ZTO) automates identity management in OT environments and is an approach that relies on standardized technology.

This white paper introduces the C-ITS ecosystem, its objectives, the concepts behind C-ITS PKI and how Eviden operates them.

Mindshare 2024 Presentations


Welcome to the Jungle
Simon Ulmer, Eviden
Citizen ID
Citizen ID Blunders
Ben Drisch & Marco Smeja, Eviden
Sovereignty + Regulation
AI regulation: Innovation Killer or Trigger?
Marina Bojarski, Eviden
Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography
Klaus Schmeh & Simon Ulmer, Eviden
Making Hardware Security Modules Quantum-Ready

Antoine Schweitzer-Chaput, Eviden

Sovereignty + Regulation
NIS2-Compliant Cryptography and Encryption – View of the Client’s Advisor and Auditor
Sławek Pijanowski, Eviden
Sovereignty + Regulation
How Businesses can Tackle Digital Sovereignty Concerns during their Digital Transformation Journey
Pierre Brun-Murol, Eviden
Securing the Digital Future: Securing the Digital Future:
Anastazija Živković
Sovereignty + Regulation
The Cyber Resilience Act: A Paradigm Shift in the EU Market
Detlef Houdeau, Infineon
Citizen ID
Citizen ID with IDaaS for NBB
Edin Haznadar, Eviden
Sovereignty + Regulation
Digital Regulation in the EU: A Critical
Marina Bojarski, Eviden
Citizen ID
Case Study: Replacing an eID Card System with Smooth Document Upgrades, Middleware and Personalization Solution
Tim Wilbrink, Mühlbauer


Is Virtual Smart Card (VSC) the Better Smart Card?
Atefeh Mokallahi, Eviden


The Vital Role of Randomness in Cybersecurity (and What Happens When It Fails)
Dr. Annika Möslein, Quantum Dice
Open Track
Managing the Human Risk
Anne Lahner, Strong Minds
Open Track
How to Secure your Confidential Communication and Important Assets Using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)
Ralf Knöringer & Vahid Asadi, Eviden
Open Track
How Eviden Technology Protected the Olympic Games in Paris
Benoît Delpierre, Eviden
Open Track
How can Generative AI help Identity & Access Management?
David Leporini, Eviden
Open Track
Enhancing IT Security through Transparency: The Role of Software Bills of Materials
Felix Reichmann, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

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